The Navigational Chart of the Danube River (km 1.433,1 – km 845,5) contains up-to-date information on the position of the fairway, waterway marking system, 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.3m, 2.5m, 3.0m and 3.5 m contour lines referred to the low navigational level, 200 m marks along the fairway axis, cross-sections, berths, winterports, ferry routes, infrastructure on the waterways (navigation locks, bridges, river training structures, power lines), main settlements along the Danube River, position of sunken vessels in, or near fairway, or proclaimed berths, gauging stations and characteristic water levels at the time of publication, as well as contact information of authorities in the Republic of Serbia relevant for inland navigation.
Besides the section of the waterway of the Sava River (from km 16 to km 0), the Navigational Chart contains a part of the waterway of the Tisza River (from km 1.6 to km 0), as well.

This edition of the Navigational Chart was prepared using the new functionalities developed within the
Danube STREAM Project, financed under the Danube Transnational Programme of the European Union, via using the improved
D4D infrastructure.
Navigational Chart adjusted for printing on A4, can be downloaded from
paper navigational charts page, in PDF, free of charge.

For dynamic data on the available fairway depths at critical sectors, please visit the
Navigational Bulletin, a service for providing dynamic information on waterways in the Republic of Serbia where international navigation regime apply (the Danube, Sava and Tisa Rivers). This service is available in Serbian, English, German and French