Почетак пројекта | 01.01.2017. |
Завршетак пројекта | 30.11.2019. |
Укупан буџет | 3.558.581,62 € |
Број позива | Први (1) позив |
Програмски приоритет | Дунавски регион одговоран за животну средину и културу |
Специфичан циљ | Јачање транснационалном управљања водама и превенција ризика од поплава |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
BME | |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna |
BOKU | |
General Directorate of Water Management |
OVF | |
National Administration "Romanian Waters" |
NARW | |
National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management |
Bavarian Environment Agency |
LfU | |
National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Executive Agency “Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River” | EAEMDR | |
Croatian Waters - Legal entity for water management |
Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia |
IzVRS | |
Water Research Institute |
VUVH | |
Technical University of Munich, Chair of Hydraulic Research and Water Resources Management |
TUM | |
Jaroslav Černi Institute for the Development of Water Resources |
JCI | |
Republic of Serbia Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure - Directorate for Inland Waterways |
Plovput |
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute |
BAW | |
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River |
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management |
Hidroelectrica | |
International Sava River Basin Commission |
Danube Commission | DC | |
WWF World Wild Fund for Nature Hungary |
WWF Hungary | |
Water management construction, state enterprise |
VVB | |
Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests |
MEWF | |
VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH |
VHP | |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
MFAT | |
Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe |
Slovenian Water Agency | DRSV | |
Slovak Water Management Enterprise, s.e. |
За информације о улози Дирекције за водне путеве у пројекту „Danube Sediment” будите слободни да контактирате нашег координатора пројекта:
Мр Иван Митровић
+381 11 30 29 842
За више информација посетите:
Newsletter 2017 (RS) |
Newsletter 2017 (EN) |
Newsletter 2018 01 (RS) |
Newsletter 2018 01 (EN) |
Newsletter 2018 02 (RS) |
Newsletter 2018 02 (EN) |
Newsletter 2019 01 (RS) |
Newsletter 2019 01 (EN) |
Newsletter 2019 02 (RS) |
Danube STREAM & Danube Sediment | |
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